Thursday, August 14, 2014

keep it simple...

Ok... here are some of my simple recipes. We love them but having not had bread or tortillas with oil or sugar our taste buds may be a little different. Hope you enjoy and I would love any feedback you might have.


2 cups warm water
1 teaspoon of yeast
2 cups flour (if you use wheat it most likely will take less. Start out with 1 1/2 cups)
2 cups oats
1 teaspoon of salt

In a bowl add water and yeast. Let sit for 10 minutes. Added remaining ingredients. Mix well then place in a clean bowl and put it in a warm spot of your kitchen. I warm my oven just a little and let it rise in there until its doubled in size. Then back at 375 for 30 min. I bake mine in a glass Pyrex bowl.


2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup applesauce
3/4 cup water

put all ingredients in mixer and blend with a flat hook for a few seconds to mix everything. Then use a dough hook to knead dough for 2min.  Divide into balls (8-12 depending on the size of tortilla you want). Roll each ball out then cook in a hot pan. I use a pancake griddle. I also use a tortilla press to flatten the dough.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Vegan shopping ...

After my post on facebook and instagram (my fridge after shopping) I've had some people asking for my shopping list and meal plan. So I decided I'd just blog about it. Now before you get your hopes up I just have to tell ya... Its not too exciting. As of late  my list has dropped most processed food and I have to saw it feels pretty empowering. I love to walk past the "junk" and straight to the fresh fruit and veggies! I love the way I feel feeding my family with what I feel are the best options. And it just makes me happy.

Here is my basic list. It changes depending on the season and my mood at the store.

bananas (lots and lots)
grapes (lots)
raw oatmeal
cereal (healthy)
frozen berries
frozen mixed veggies
frozen broccoli
honey/agave nectar
wheat flour
raw almonds
red pasta sauce
soy milk
dry beans
whole wheat pasta
black bean pasta
unsweetened applesauce

I shop at Costco so I buy all of this in bulk.

Here are my "add on's"

almond milk

As far as a meal plan goes... I don't have one. My main "plan" is to get as many fruits and veggies in ALL of our meals as I can. When I cook rice or quinoa I add frozen mixed veggies (green beans, peas, corn, and carrots). When I make pasta I add veggies to the sauce (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots). I don't think you can add to many vegetables. When we first went vegan this concept didn't seem to make sense to me. I was so used to having a meat, starch, and veggies on the side. With being vegan the veggies are the star. The meal is basically vegetables. Now that we eat vegan I don't think I could go back to eating the "other" way. I love the way I feel! Anytime we have a "cheat treat" (doughnuts, cookies, ice cream...). We will have one maybe once a week. I start to feel guilty. Like I'm cheating on my vegan ways.

I also bake our bread. I make our tortillas. We don't use oil. We use applesauce. I just swap it for the oil. I'm all about making things easy! My bread recipe is simple. Tortillas recipe simple. I love to cook but with how crazy our house can get I cant spend a lot of time thinking about/cooking meals. We have fruit in our green smoothies and for snacks. For "treats" I make banana ice cream. I know that we are leaning to the extreme side of things and that this isn't for everyone but it works for us.

We've had times since becoming vegan that we would "cheat" more than we should and we pay for it. We have stomach aches and heads that hurt. I become bloated, my weight goes up, and I feel so lazy! I really can't believe how lazy I feel... I just want to nap and lay around and I'm not as happy.

I'll have to post some recipes to give you more ideas of how we eat.

Friday, July 4, 2014


I'm always singing that line (in my head) from Annie since we moved here. You know the one... "N.Y.C.... Just got here this morning! 3 bucks, 2 bags, one me!" Although the amount of people that came with us is significantly more and we have well over two bags... it still just seems so fitting. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we live here! In the middle of it all no less. Living in the big apple was always a dream of mine... I think it is for a lot of people. But once we started having kids I NEVER thought it would be a possibility. Four kids in a big city was never my idea of a good time. I do have to say my children having be doing exceptionally well with the move and all that has come with it. For instance... The large closet we call home.

When we first walked in I wanted to cry! We have a 30ft hallway that you have to walk down... It's about 2ft wide. That was the first indication that we were in trouble! I looked in the boys room and it is literally a walk in closet (hence my post on FB about bunk beds). The girls room is actually a good size and so is ours but the bathroom... Oh my... The bathroom! It's long and narrow and you have to back in because you can't turn around once your in! The only way two people can be in at one time is for one to be in the shower. It's way different than what we have been used to. We are making it our own and finding ways to make everything fit. I can't tell you how glad I am that we sold so much!! There is NO way we could have fit our furniture in. Everything is so small and narrow seeing as how our building was built 100 years ago... Pictures will be posted once we finish buying the few things we still have left to get.

Now having a car here... More specifically a van is not the best of ideas. It takes about a year to find parking but you have to make sure once you've found a spot that it's good for that day because some sides of the street are only good certain days but if it's during the school year that is void... It's a complicated thing... Parking. Oh and there are usually about 3 spots we have to pass because we won't fit in them. Then there is shopping. You pay to shop. You have to pay to park and you have to pay AT LEAST $6 but that just gives you two hours. Let me tell you shopping that the kids and need to find multiply things in multiply stores two hours is more like five minutes. And coming home from shopping is the only time I'm glad we have a van until we have to unload it... That's another story all in itself. So we are learning all about parking and how it's just better to walk and in the almost 3 weeks we've lived here we've only have two parking tickets. Haha...

New York is amazing! I love that we live a block away from Central Park and that we live in a decent area. Our ward (church) is awesome and filled with talented people! (Models, famous artists, insanely talented singers). Sunday we had a quartet sing patriotic songs and it was the best I've ever heard! Not just in church but like ever! Life is so amazing!! Yes the kids and I don't get out near as much as we did in Utah and it's an adjustment but I wouldn't change it for anything.  This is an exciting time in our life and I'm excited to share it with y'all!